Feedback from a workshop ...

The John Harrox Primary School, Science Week
Moulton, Spalding, Lincolnshire
Working with Spalding Energy I recently had the pleasure of launching The John Harrox Primary School, Science Week. I spent a day at the school investigating “Magnetism” with eighty Scientists from the school’s Years 3 & 4.
The feedback from the teachers was wonderful:
Miss Curtis said:
“An exciting and inspirational session using magnets. The children were hooked and engaged from the start of the session. The children loved the variety of equipment used for each investigation. Great fun, a fantastic Workshop.”
Mrs King-Smith said:
“A fantastic hands on learning experience. The children developed new science vocabulary. The Workshop extended learning effectively – a great session.”
Mr Vere said:
“Mesmerising Magnets! An amazing hands-on lesson. It left the class with a buzz about science. Using mini-generators to introduce electro-magnets was a brilliant idea!”